Friday, February 23, 2007

Possible complications

I had a thought this morning: I will have trouble on Fridays reaching my goal. Today shouldn't be a problem because Annie and I do not have anything big planned (we might go see a movie). However, last Friday I got home from work, changed, went out, and did not return until past midnight. I had no chance of being productive.

I'm not sure how to handle this. I'll have to come up with some sort of proviso.


Klondike said...

Proviso idea: Get up a half hour or hour early and be productive then.

Unknown said...

I don't think that's possible... I struggle to get up as early as I do, and to get up earlier would mean going to bed earlier, which would likely eat into my productive time from the day before.

However, I have considered it. Often the last hour of my wakefulness is completely wasted on browsing the web or watching TV. If I eliminate that, I could get up earlier.

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